Why Are Some Allergies Lifelong?

Presented on: Thursday, April 18th at 7:00 PM EDT


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With spring on the horizon, so too are seasonal allergies. However some allergies, like those against peanut, are lifelong in most people.  Since allergic people tend to avoid their allergen, it's not exactly clear why this is the case.  Researchers at McMaster recently discovered a new type of cell called a “type 2 polarized memory B cell”, which they found is responsible for remembering an allergy. Now that we know about the cell, the question is, how do we turn that into a therapy?

Join Dr. Josh Koenig, an Assistant Professor at McMaster University studying the immunology of allergic diseases, for a talk on his latest research around the cause of lifelong allergies and how this discovery can be used to create better treatments.


We've got some spring related prizes to help you Rejuvenate this season
Once again people who attend this webinar series will have a chance to win one of three gift cards for MEC, Terra Greenhouses, or Lee Valley. For every event you register for and attend, you'll be entered into a random draw for one of these three prizes. Winners will be contacted the week of May 6.

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