Inspiring Hope for Climate Action:

Presented on: Wednesday, April 24th at 7:00 PM EDT


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The ability to hold climate anxiety and hope for the future has challenged today's youth as they create a greener, kinder planet. This tension is what fuelled The Starfish Canada, one of the nation's leading youth climate charities, and born from a second-year Biology class here at McMaster! Join Sujane Kandasamy (Biology '11) and Kyle Empringham (Biology '11), co-founders of The Starfish Canada, as they share insights and wisdom on what it means to run a climate charity with equity and inclusion in mind.

We've got some spring related prizes to help you Rejuvenate this season
Once again people who attend this webinar series will have a chance to win one of three gift cards for MEC, Terra Greenhouses, or Lee Valley. For every event you register for and attend, you'll be entered into a random draw for one of these three prizes. Winners will be contacted the week of May 6.

This series is being generously sponsored by our affinity partner, TD

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