@HomewithMac | Behavioural Finance: Why We We Are Hard-Wired To Make Poor Money Decisions

Presented on: Tuesday, January 23rd at 7:00 PM EST

@Home with Mac

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As a new year kicks off, Dr. Preet Banerjee, a well-known financial panelist on CBC’s The National and contributor to The Morning Show on Global, will join us to discuss the psychological factors that influence financial decisions and identifies some of the reasons people make poor financial choices. With a background in neuroscience and as a wealth management researcher and former financial advisor, Dr. Banerjee understands how and why making better financial decisions can lower stress and increase productivity both at home and at work and will share tips on how to make better financial decisions.

Join us for this webinar and learn how the human brain is hard-wired to make poor money decisions and what you can do about it so you can level up your finances in 2024!

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