Canaries in the Coalmine: 21st Century LGBTQI+ Human Rights with Dr. Susan Dicklitch-Nelson '89

Presented on: Wednesday, October 11th at 12:00 PM EDT

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LGBTQI+ people are the proverbial "canaries in the coalmine". Just like the canary portended danger for miners, a nation's treatment of these vulnerable populations indicates how human rights-protective or persecutory that regime and society is. The protection or persecution of LGBTQI+ minorities affects the well-being of millions of people worldwide. Join Professor of Government, Susan Dicklitch-Nelson '89, founder and principal investigator of The F&M Global Barometers (FMGB), to learn about the state of LGBTQI+ human rights in 204 countries and territories. Combining universal principles of human rights with quantitative research methods, the F&M Global Barometers measure the state- and societal-level protection or persecution of sexual orientation and gender minorities worldwide in order to provide grassroots activists, policy professionals, NGOs, and academics with a comprehensive database on LGBT human rights.

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