[Exploration] Paint it Black: The Solar Eclipse of 2024

Presented on: Wednesday, November 8th at 7:00 PM EST

Exploration with Mac


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Did you know that on April 8, 2024 a total solar eclipse will cross parts of North America? Hamilton will be one of the Canadian cities in the path of totality which is exciting given the last time this astronomical event occurred over the city was in 1925! But why is a total solar eclipse such an exciting time and what is expected when a city is in the path of totality?

Join Dr. Laura Parker from the Department of Physics & Astronomy for a talk on astronomy and the solar eclipse and why you should circle April 8, 2024 on your calendar. A live Q&A session will follow the presentation to answer your astronomy and solar eclipse-related questions.

About our speaker:
Laura Parker, PhD. is a Professor and University Scholar in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at McMaster University. She is an observational astronomer and her research group is interested in questions related to galaxy evolution and observational cosmology.

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