Origins Institute Public Lecture with Ryan Cloutier

Presented on: Thursday, November 10th at 7:00 PM EST

Origins Institute

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The Long Path Towards Finding Habitable Exo-Worlds Although we are likely still decades away from discovering signs of life on worlds outside of our own solar system, much progress is being made today to identify the best potential candidates for hosting such life. Join us for this talk where Dr. Ryan Cloutier will discuss much of what we currently know about these so-called exoplanets and how we know it. He will then highlight the steps that will be taken in the not-so-distant future to characterize the conditions on potentially habitable exoplanets using extreme telescopes. All of this in hopes that one day these efforts will culminate with the probable detection of life like our own elsewhere in the galaxy. This talk will be taped live on November 8th and packaged and broadcast on November 10th with a live Q&A after the talk. Live questions will be moderated by Dr. Jon Stone and answered by Dr. Ryan Cloutier.

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