Exploration: Meet the Author Event, featuring Gary Barwin and HPO’s Abigail Richarson-Schulte

Presented on: Wednesday, November 16th at 7:00 PM EST

Exploration with Mac

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The Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra, in partnership with McMaster Alumni Association, is thrilled to announce a special edition of the Literary Series featuring acclaimed Hamilton author Gary Barwin and his book, Yiddish for Pirates. The Literary Series is a powerful program that explores the beautiful ways in which literature and music connect to share a story.

On November 16, join us online to meet award-winning author, Gary Barwin and HPO’s Composer-in-Residence, Abigail Richardson Schulte as they explore the making of the Literary Series and life as an author and historian.

The following week, a unique online concert experience featuring Gary Barwin and his book, Yiddish for Pirates, will be broadcast on November 23 at 7PM. Register for both events!

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