Miami Presents: Money DNA - Transforming our Relationship with Personal Finances

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Money DNA is usually acquired when we are young. It forms our opinions and shapes our beliefs about how we see, manage and  deal with money. But unlike our biological DNA that can't be changed, our money DNA can be altered relatively quickly by overcoming some limiting beliefs about ourselves and money as a whole. Young Money University founder Todd Romer will talk about making this transformation and how doing money differently can help lead you to a life you love. 

Todd Romer grew up in Dayton, OH and began investing his lawn mowing money when he was in high school.  After publishing Young Money magazine from 2000 - 2009, Todd launched the Young Money University financial success speaking tour to help 18-29 year olds learn how to manage money differently to reduce stress and begin chasing dreams.   Through YMU's flagship program called The Money System, Todd and his team have helped tens of thousands of young people believe again in their future.   Todd lives in Cincinnati, graduated from the University of Dayton, and has four children.  
Thanks to sponsor of this presentation, Kemba Credit Union.  
This event is free to attend, but registration is required. Questions? Contact J.J. Slager at