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Join us virtually for Winter College – five days of lunchtime lectures capped off with culinary celebrations on Charter Day. All fun and no exams means this is the collegiate experience of your dreams.
Join one of Miami's most notable historians, Dr. Curt Ellison, for a look at the home front & historical memory in a borderlands college town.
This presentation draws upon archival photographs and documents to consider life in a southwestern Ohio college town during the nation's descent into civil war by 1861. It reflects upon the lingering influence of political conflict during the college town's founding, student unrest and institutional instability at "Old Miami," notable local actors during Oxford's Civil War era, and competing historical memories of this conflicted past.
Dr. Curt Ellison is professor emeritus of history and American studies, and editor of Miami University, 1809-2009: Bicentennial Perspectives. His other publications include Country Music Culture: From Hard Times to Heaven and Industrial Strength Bluegrass: Southwestern Ohio’s Musical Legacy.
The event is free to attend, but registration is required. Questions? Contact J.J. Slager at