Stay At Home Homecoming - Alumni Insights: Be Selfish with your Self Care

Presented on: Tuesday, September 22nd at 7:00 PM EDT

Alumni Insights Homecoming 2020

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In this special Stay-at-Home Homecoming edition of our #DuqAlumniInsights series, we'll hear from alumna, Victoria Snyder, GA'14 on the importance of self-care. Self-Care Señorita is a community that focuses on the wellbeing and education of self-care practices. Self-Care Señorita is working to improve and support the holistic wellness of the community members. Creating a sense of ownership of peace and prosperity, and allowing yourself to be freed from guilt when you need to step away and focus on yourself means you are empowering yourself to be a better person, friend, family member, and community member. Too often, we find guilt confronts us when we make time for ourselves, let's stop the guilt, and become selfish with our self-care.

Victoria Snyder is the founder of Self-Care Señorita, Producer for OpticVoices, 3x Telly Award winning Producer and has spent ten years as a diversity, inclusion and equity educator. A brand strategist and operations consultant, she has worked to support, build and grow businesses. She sits on several boards including the Latino Community Center, Rukmini Foundation and Cultivating Resilient Youth. She previously has worked in Higher Education for nine years and doing diversity and inclusion, and has published and presented at conferences across the country. She is an avid community servant and leader and serves as a consultant for many community-based organizations. Victoria received her undergraduate degree in History and Media Studies from the University of Mount Union. She received her first Masters from the University of Akron in Higher Education Administration and received her second masters from Duquesne University in Leadership in Professional Administration. She is the 2019 recipient of Cribs for Kids Women of Achievement Award, 2019 Pittsburgh Magazine 40 Under 40 along with several other community and national recognitions.

If you would like to share your expertise with your fellow alumni, fill out an application at to be considered.