Turning Anxiety Into a Blessing: How to Use Anxiety to Thrive

Presented on: Tuesday, September 10th at 12:00 PM EDT

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Let’s face it: Everyone has anxiety. Furthermore, our ongoing quest to rid ourselves of this ubiquitous human emotion worsens it. What if, instead of fighting our anxiety, we could turn it into a strength? This enlightening webinar will teach you how to use anxiety to become more self-accepting, connected to others, and resilient. Author of Thriving with Anxiety, Dr. Rosmarin’s constructive, compassionate, and evidence-based approach will not make you less anxious. Instead, it will empower you to use anxiety to thrive.

You will learn:

  • To rethink anxiety from being a “disease” to being a normal human emotion;
  • How to use anxiety to increase our self-compassion;
  • How to harness the power of anxiety to enhance emotional intimacy and 
  • How can anxiety help us accomplish what we truly want in life?

About the author: David H. Rosmarin, PhD, is an associate professor at Harvard Medical School, a program director at McLean Hospital (#1 in Psychiatry, US News & World Report), and founder of Center for Anxiety, which provides services to over 1,000 patients/year in multiple states. Dr. Rosmarin is an international expert on spirituality and mental health whose work has been featured in Scientific American, the Boston Globe, the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, and Good Morning America. He can be reached via his website, www.dhrosmarin.com.

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