Advancement Series: Alumni Workplace Engagement - Building Bridges Between Alumni and their Workplace

Presented on: Wednesday, May 19th at 12:00 PM EDT

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Imagine a bridge that connects three “islands”: a university, a company, and employees of that company who are graduates of the university. Rutgers Alumni Workplace Engagement is that bridge. It creates thriving relationships so that these areas are no longer islands but powerful partners for innovation and achievement.

Moving beyond traditional models of alumni engagement, the Rutgers AWE program brings the university to a business and its employees—in their workplace. This specific webinar will feature John Borgese, Director of the Rutgers AWE program alongside Colin von Liebtag, Assistant Director for Alumni Career Development, who describe the program’s challenges and accomplishments so far.

You’re invited to learn about how John and Colin pivoted the program and achieved new levels in today’s virtual world by focusing on four pillars of success that enable this initiative to broaden opportunities for corporate partnerships, individual alumni engagement, and philanthropic projects across all academic units.