Presented on: Tuesday, July 20th at 12:00 PM EDT
Have you faced new challenges in advancing your career due to the pandemic? Have you mastered online conversations and virtual job interview skills? Your education and past work experience are only part of what employers are looking at—finely tuned networking skills and virtual communication skills are now in demand. Cultivating an agile mindset will help you adapt to recent hiring demands and help you get noticed and, most importantly, get hired. In this informative webinar, Marti Konstant, workplace futurist, and author will introduce you to current virtual job search trends and the Career Agility Framework. You will learn actionable steps you can take for achieving your next career goal.
About the author: Marti Konstant, the author of Activate Your Agile Career, is a career growth analyst, speaker, and founder of the Happy Profitable Employee Project™. She is a former technology executive that has worked in Silicon Valley. As a Top Career Influencer, she has been featured in media outlets such as NBC Chicago, Forbes, and The Muse and has worked in companies like Samsung, Dow Jones, and Apple. Marti is an expert in applying agile principles to workforce development.
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