Presented on: Thursday, November 12th at 12:00 PM EST
When life doesn’t go exactly as you planned and you experience rejection, it is easy to lose confidence in yourself and your abilities. With the disruptions Covid-19 has caused, most are reeling from unplanned bumps in the road. If you are wondering what to do next in finding a job, finding a better job, or changing career direction, now is the time to dig deep, show resilience, reignite self-belief, rediscover self-worth, and wake up the winner that dwells deep inside. As we discuss self-doubt turning into self-esteem, we are not advocating just thinking positive thoughts. Positivity is a part of building a successful career, but right thoughts must turn into right actions. In this webinar, Karla Brandau will cover how to: • Increase charisma and confidence in six easy steps • Live with positive expectation every day of your life • Turn a negative spiral of self-doubt into a positive spiral of moving forward • Give yourself the benefit of the doubt when you make human mistakes • Turn rejection or life’s unexpected twists into lessons that move you forward Karla Brandau is a leading authority on leadership for a more collaborative and productive workforce. She has educated leaders, managers, supervisors, and individual contributors with her proven people skills and productivity systems in companies such as Motorola, Coca-Cola Enterprises, Panasonic, Siemens, and BYD America. Government agencies that have benefited from her programs include NIH, NIDA, the EPA, and IBB. As a thought leader in the field of employee engagement and moving from a manager to a charismatic and confident leader, Karla has written “How to Earn the Gift of Discretionary Effort”, “The Leadership of One”, “Wake Up the Winner Inside”, and “Have More Day at the End of You Day”.
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