Presented on: Wednesday, October 6th at 11:00 AM CDT
Studies worldwide indicate it’s not hyperbole to state unhealthy parental pressure is a global pandemic afflicting young people with serious mental health issues and underperformance. In this informative webinar, Dr. Hendrie Weisinger, co-author of The Unlikely Art of Parental Pressure, addresses the biggest parenting dilemma of our time: pushing kids to succeed and find happiness in a challenging world without pushing them too far. Dr. Weisinger will present eight evidence-based methods for transforming harmful pressure into healthy pressure. Each method is supported by memorable case studies and practical strategies that parents and other caregivers can start using right away to nurture internal motivation, improve parent-child interactions, build deep connections, sidestep cultural pitfalls, and, ultimately, help their children do well.
About the author: Dr. Hendrie Weisinger is a world-renowned psychologist and pioneer in the field of pressure management, as well as the author of several bestselling books. He has consulted with and developed programs for dozens of Fortune 500 companies and government agencies.
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