Blue-Label Webinar:Pivot: The Only Move That Matters Is Your Next One

Presented on: Wednesday, May 13th at 10:00 AM MDT

Blue Label Webinar


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No matter your age, life stage, bank account balance, or career level, you can learn how to pivot strategically into your next opportunity or grow within your current role. Your best chance of success lies right under your feet. By doubling down on what is already working, you can cut through confusion and move more quickly in a new direction. Pivoting is a mindset and a skill set, and it is one we can all get better at. This webinar will resonate with anyone facing the question of what comes next by providing a methodical plan to move forward, one that you can cycle through as many times as necessary. The Pivot Method is a 4-stage process that will help you: -Identify existing strengths, interests and experiences, and define success one year from now -Scan the horizon for new related skills, people and projects, without falling prey to analysis-paralysis or compare-and-despair -Reduce risk by running small experiments that can provide feedback and help determine resonant next steps -Launch with confidence, bolstered by the skills and methodology to adjust seamlessly and continuously as you move in a new direction The webinar will be presented by Jenny Blake, popular author and international speaker, who helps people organize their brain, move beyond burnout, and build sustainable, dynamic careers they love.

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