How to Manage Uncertainty and Create Meaning From the Inside Out

Presented on: Thursday, July 28th at 12:00 PM EDT

SJU Intellectual

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Are you afraid you’re too old to make big changes? Are you worried that it’s foolish to break away from a well-formed path even though you’re unhappy? Uncertainty is at an all-time high. What do you need to move forward in a meaningful way in your career? Your prime working years encompass about 40 to 50 percent of your entire lifetime, and as we are living longer, many of us are working later in life too. In this thought-provoking webinar, career and executive coach Tammy Gooler Loeb will identify the strategies to help you stay on track as obstacles and opportunities show up in your careers. You will learn how to:

  • Identify the importance of maintaining professional connections and the practices that strengthen relationships
  • Build a resilient mindset to navigate the uncertainty that is present in today’s environment
  • Define what it means to effectively take an inside-out approach to your career so that you feel clear and confident about your professional growth.

About the author: Tammy Gooler Loeb, MBA, CPCC, author of Work from the Inside Out: Break Through Nine Common Obstacles and Design a Career That Fulfills You, inspires people to build careers that are fulfilling and meaningful. Over two decades, Tammy has shared her expertise with audiences and clients, focusing on career transitions, networking, leadership strategies, and team development. Tammy hosts a weekly podcast, “Work from the Inside Out,” showcasing inspiring stories and practical lessons of noteworthy professionals who made transitions to more satisfying work. Her expertise appears in publications, such as Harvard Business Review, Ascend, Forbes, Fast Company, and The Boston Globe. Tammy holds a B.A. in Psychology and an MBA.

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