From Stuck to Soaring: How to Successfully Change Your Career

Presented on: Wednesday, November 8th at 12:00 PM EST


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Feeling trapped in the wrong career is one of the worst experiences. But what will it take to switch gears and start over? Where do you begin if you’re anxious about making a leap? Octavia Goredema, host of the Audible Original series How to Change Careers, shows you how to navigate the uncertainty of a transition and create the roadmap you need to complete your pivot. Learn how to evaluate your career options, get unstuck, and harness the skills and resources you need to reinvent your future. Uncover the career coaching formulas to confidently convey your goals, leverage your network, and lay the foundations for your career to soar.

About the speaker: Octavia Goredema is an award-winning coach who guides underrepresented professionals to unleash their full potential in the workplace. A career coach and the founder of Twenty Ten Agency, Octavia has coached leaders at renowned companies, including Google, American Airlines, General Motors, and Dow Jones. Octavia hosts the Audible Original series How to Change Careers and is the author of Prep, Push, Pivot: Essential Career Strategies for Underrepresented Women. An acclaimed career expert, Octavia’s insights have been featured in Fast Company, CNN, Fortune, CNBC, Business Insider, and Harvard Business Review. You can learn more at

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