Your Retirement: Dream or Disaster? How to Avoid the Hidden Traps in Retirement Planning Advice

Presented on: Tuesday, June 6th at 11:00 AM CDT


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Did you know that a large financial portfolio, an estate plan, and long-term care insurance won’t be enough to prevent your dream retirement from becoming a disaster? Or do you know someone forced into institutional care after a health crisis, lost assets due to unplanned medical and long-term care costs, or became a burden on loved ones? According to Elder Law Attorney and bestselling author Rajiv Nagaich, these results are called “retirement plan failure.”  Over his 20-plus years of experience, Rajiv has developed a step-by-step guide to retirement planning by connecting the various dots of the retirement planning process. The LifePlanning approach is a system that brings together legal, financial, and housing issues into a coordinated effort that can work to make sure you don’t end up being forced into institutionalized care, going broke, and being a burden on your family. In this enlightening and informative webinar, Rajiv explains why “retirement plan failure” happens and how you can keep it from happening to you.

About the Author: Rajiv Nagaich, J.D. L.L.M., author of Your Retirement: Dream or Disaster, is an elder law attorney, speaker, and retirement planning visionary. He hosts two popular public television specials (Master Your Future and The Path to Happily Ever After) and the AgingOptions Radio Show, dispensing retirement planning advice to people in the Pacific Northwest for twenty years. Rajiv was inducted as a Fellow by the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys (NAELA) in 2014. He is a three-time NAELA Pacesetter Award winner and a commissioner at the Law and Aging Commission at the American Bar Association. Rajiv is the founding partner of Life Point Law in Federal Way, Washington, and the Chief Executive Officer of AgingOptions.

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