The Umbrella Effect: A Family-Level Approach to a Calmer, Happier, and More Connected Household

Presented on: Tuesday, May 9th at 11:00 AM CDT

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Life isn't always sunny. Even on the best days, parenting is the most challenging job out there. When our kids fail to cope with day-to-day challenges, the impact on the whole family can be far-reaching. Anxiety, depression, and many other mental health concerns are often the downstream effect of an overwhelmed coping system. In this informative webinar, Dr. Jen Forristal, author of The Umbrella Effect, will walk you through building an umbrella for each family member, yourself included, that will allow your family to take on life's rainy days with confidence, resilience, and support.

In this webinar, you will learn the following:

- Top strategies for improving your child's resilience

- Essentials for reducing parenting burnout

- How to assess your child's strongest and weakest coping skills

- A framework for working as a family to improve wellbeing

About the author: Dr. Jen Forristal, BSc ND, is a Naturopathic Doctor with a primary focus on pediatric mental health and the founder and CEO of The Umbrella Project, a positive coping curriculum used internationally by thousands of parents, students, and educators. She has worked extensively with schools, researchers, and organizations in protecting the long-term health and performance of children facing unique challenges. Her work was published in the Canadian Journal of School Psychology and she was awarded the Health Promotion Canada Award for contributing to child mental health. 


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