Fool Me Once: Scams, Stories, and Secrets from the Trillion-Dollar Fraud Industry

From Ponzi schemes to Nigerian “princes” and from Enron to Volkswagon…. fraud happens around us every day, at many levels and in many forms, creating the risk of financial loss, legal action, and reputational damage. So how do we protect ourselves, our families, and our companies? In this riveting webinar, renowned forensic accounting expert Kelly Richmond Pope will talk about fraud in action and uncover what makes perpetrators tick, victims so gullible, and whistleblowers so morally righteous. She will encourage us to look at our own behaviors and motivations to protect ourselves and our companies. You will gain a deeper understanding of the following:

  •  The “who, what, and why?” of fraud;
  • What fraud is and why it happens; and
  • A sense of connection with the victims and a renewed appreciation for the courageous whistleblowers.

About the author: Dr. Kelly Richmond Pope, author of Fool Me Once: Scams, Stories, and Secrets from the Trillion-Dollar Fraud Industry is a professor of Forensic Accounting in Chicago, IL. Pope is a nationally recognized expert in risk, forensic accounting, and white-collar crime research and an award-winning educator, researcher, author, and documentary filmmaker. Her book Fool Me Once is a riveting look at the perpetrators, victims, and whistleblowers behind financial crimes. Pope, named one of the top 25 most powerful women in accounting in 2020 by the AICPA and the CPA Practice Advisor, directed and produced the award-winning documentary, All the Queen’s Horses (2017), which explores the largest municipal fraud in U.S. history. Pope’s TED Talk entitled “How Whistleblowers Shape History” has been viewed over 1.6 million times, translated into 20 languages, and serves as a resource to help organizations and individuals embrace internal whistleblowing. Pope has appeared on news outlets such as CNBC, the BBC, and WGN-TV, offering commentary on fraud, risk, and ethics. Additionally, Pope has appeared in publications such as Bloomberg, The Wall Street Journal, CFO Drive, Accounting Today, Forbes, The Washington Post, and The Daily Beast.

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