Do you only dream of what you want in life but never go after it? Are you just going through the motions, knowing there is more out there for you but too afraid to ask? You are your own advocate, and your "jury" is anyone you want to persuade or influence. It could be your clients, team, shareholders, or board. Author and award-winning trial attorney, Heather Hansen, has combined her twenty years of experience, training, and time as a television anchor to develop the five core competencies of an advocate. In this engaging webinar, Heather will share the 5 C’s of advocacy and how you can use them to advocate for what you want and get it.
About the author: Heather is the author of the best-seller “The Elegant Warrior: How to Win Life’s Trials Without Losing Yourself” and the host of The Elegant Warrior podcast. Heather’s latest book is Advocate to Win-10 Tools to Ask for What You Want and Get It. She has been a trial attorney for over twenty years and was consistently named one of Pennsylvania's Top 50 Female Attorneys. She’s also an anchor at the Law and Crime Network and has appeared on NBC, Fox News Channel, CNN, MSNBC, CBS, and Sirius Radio. Heather has helped thousands of keynote audience members in Kuwait, Ireland, Mexico, and across the U.S. become their own best advocates.
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