Make Retirement Work

Presented on: Thursday, February 9th at 12:00 PM EST

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Join us for a special event for alumni focusing on the non-financial aspects of one of life’s greatest, most complex, and potentially rewarding transitions – retirement. This event will provide valuable information and resources for navigating this new phase of life.

Attendees will have the opportunity to participate in a presentation led by the authors of Make Retirement Work - experts in the field with more than 80 years of experience in helping people make successful transitions to new and exciting opportunities. As “fellow travelers” on this adventure into a purposeful, productive, and enjoyable retirement, they have researched the factors and frameworks that make for a smooth transition into your retirement years and have identified a whole host of resources that will help you chart your path.

Don't miss this chance to learn, connect, and engage as you transition into this exciting new phase of life. Register now to reserve your spot!

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