Presented on: Tuesday, October 20th at 12:00 PM EDT
Have you noticed that no matter what you want to do there is a “challenge” out there to help get you started? Dry January. The Whole 30. The Year of Yes. The Happiness Project. NaNoWriMo. Digital detoxes, hackathons, social experiments, and beta testing. What does it take to have a mindset to successfully take on challenges like these? What if you could apply the common principles of all these challenges to grow beyond your perceived limitations? In this fascinating webinar, Greg Roth will weave together a rich tapestry of stories and wisdom from individuals, teams, and organizations who were willing to experiment and push themselves through challenges. He’ll show you how a "challenge mindset" can transform your thinking, your outlook, your approach, your effort, and ultimately your identity. Greg Roth is a keynote speaker, trainer and consultant who studies "challenges" as a way to change behavior, build skills, and achieve big breakthroughs. Greg has been featured on/in CNN, Washington Post, Voice of America, NPR, RT, and AssociationsNow, and is a faculty member at the U.S. Chamber Foundation's Institute for Organization Management.
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