Miami Presents: Inside “The Great Seal”

Presented on: Friday, June 11th at 4:00 PM EDT


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We are excited to bring all the tradition and excitement of Alumni Weekend – along with some new twists on old favorites – right to you! You don’t have to be on campus to experience all the Love and Honor with our full slate of virtual events.  

When the Armstrong Student Center opened in 2014, one of its breathtaking focal points was The Great Seal, a 3-D version of the university seal, created with real objects and containing students' words and artwork to link the university's past, present, and future.

Join University Architect Emeritus Bob Keller ’73 as he shares what his vision was for the 3-D Great Seal in the Armstrong Student Center

 "One of the neatest things about the whole project is that so many people have been involved," Keller said. "Each piece has a story."  

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