Miami Presents: How to Network to Your Next Job

Presented on: Wednesday, April 19th at 12:00 PM EDT


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It’s a fact that “networking” plays a significant role in over 75% of the jobs that are acquired. However, networking is one of those activities that most job seekers don’t enjoy doing and, consequently, many individuals don’t make the most of their networking connections and one-on-one opportunities. Effective networking requires a combination of online and offline techniques that engage your audience and provide them with ways in which to help you. There are specific “dos and don’ts” of networking and those are explored during throughout this presentation. Additionally, many job seekers are timid about asking for help and that’s why an effective writing style plays a huge role in how to get help in a way that you actually acquire it from your network of contacts—example scripts will be shared as well. Also important is that networking is the art of both online research and offline human interaction—you need to get comfortable and good at both.

The following are some of the topics covered during this session:

  • Where most job seekers fail in their networking efforts and why
  • How to set important networking goals
  • How to prepare for networking opportunities whether over the phone, via Zoom or in-person
  • How to make the most of each networking encounter
  • How to leverage online and offline networking tactics
  • How you can make it much easier for your network to help you with key introductions
  • How to create advocates inside a company that’s of interest to you.

Marty Gilbert '76 is the Founder and CEO of the NorthShore Executive Networking Group (NSENG at, the largest job search organization in the US. The group is comprised of over 10,000 members, with more than 1 member landing a new job each day. Over the past 13 years Marty’s job search coaching, networking meetings, webinar and workshops have helped over 3,000 professionals to land new career opportunities. Additionally, his trademarked “What the Hell Approach to Job Search”® has gained significant notoriety as a unique methodology that enables individuals to accelerate their engagement with target companies and key influencers. Marty also is a frequent job search speaker at large university alumni groups including Harvard, Yale, Cornell, Howard, NYU, Miami (OH), Chicago, Michigan and several others.

Marty’s spent 18 years with Motorola, where he held several marketing, sales and general management roles and introduced many “industry first” wireless products. He served as Chief Operating Officer for STATS Inc, the nation’s leading sports data company that was also the driving force behind the book and movie, Moneyball, starring Brad Pitt. Marty’s career is highlighted by over 25 years of international experience that included an expatriate assignment in Tokyo with Dentsu Inc., the world’s largest advertising agency, where his writing regularly appeared in Time, Newsweek, Business Week and Fortune magazines.

This event is free to attend, but registration is required. Questions? Contact J.J. Slager at

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