Miami Presents: How to Excel during Phone Screens, Zoom and In-Person Job Interviews

Presented on: Wednesday, August 31st at 12:00 PM EDT


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Great face-to-face job interviews, phone screens and Zoom calls require sound preparation and an understanding of what's important to the person conducting the interview. It also requires your ability to convey confidence, subject matter expertise and the art of storytelling. There are a lot of things that job seekers can do to make them a preferred candidate and this webinar will cover several of them. Here are a few questions that a lot of candidates continually ask about job interviews:

  • What do I need to understand about the interviewer in order to come across as a strong candidate?
  • How do I communicate my value so that it quickly captures interest?
  • How can I stand out from other candidates being considered?
  • What can I do to make myself more memorable and more likeable?

During this webinar NSENG Founder & CEO, Marty Gilbert '76, will share some very tactical tips that can make a big positive difference in the way that you and your background are perceived by the interviewer. Here are some of the topics that Marty will address during his presentation:

  • Key objectives of every interview
  • The biggest challenges of each type of interview and how you can overcome them
  • Preparation that can make your performance more convincing
  • Perspectives from the hiring manager-- how they think, feel and decide
  • How LinkedIn research can deliver great background on each interviewer
  • An artificial intelligence (AI) tool that gives you a personality assessment of the interviewer before you ever meet
  • Why Zoom interviews are a great way to make great first impressions
  • The most important question for you to ask at the beginning of the interview
  • Proactive actions to make yourself more memorable and more likeable

Marty Gilbert’s bio

Marty Gilbert is the Founder and CEO of the NorthShore Executive Networking Group (NSENG at, the largest job search networking and coaching organization in the US. The group is comprised of over 9,600 members, with more than 10 members landing new jobs each week. Over the past 12 years Marty’s networking meetings, webinars, workshops and job search coaching services have helped over 2,500 professionals to land new career opportunities. Additionally, his trademarked “What the Hell Approach to Job Search”® has gained significant notoriety as a unique methodology that enables individuals to accelerate their engagement with target companies and key influencers. Marty also is a frequent job search speaker at large university alumni groups including Harvard, Yale, Cornell, Howard, NYU, Chicago, Miami (OH), Michigan and several others.

Marty spent 18 years with Motorola, where he held several marketing, sales and general management roles and introduced many “industry first” wireless products. He served as Chief Operating Officer for STATS Inc, the nation’s leading sports data company that was also the driving force behind the book and movie, Moneyball, starring Brad Pitt. Marty’s career is highlighted by over 25 years of international experience that included an expatriate assignment in Tokyo with Dentsu Inc., the world’s largest advertising agency, where his writing regularly appeared in Time, Newsweek, Business Week and Fortune magazines.

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