Hearing Voices: Theology, Psychiatry and the Lived Experience of Hearing Voices

Presented on: Thursday, February 24th at 5:00 PM EST

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The Edward A. Puff Sr. and Edith Kottmyer Puff Memorial Lecture in the Study of Christianity was endowed in 1986 by Rev. Edward A. Puff Jr., of Dayton, and his brother, Harold F. Puff, emeritus professor of management at Miami University. The memorial lecture is named for Edward and Harold's parents, in gratitude for the sacrifices they made that enabled the brothers to attend Miami during the Depression years.  This annual lecture is free and open to the public, but registration is required.  

The 2022 Puff Memorial Lecture will be held virtually, and will feature Professor John Swinton of the University of Aberdeen.

Hearing voices is widely perceived as strange--meaningless except as a symptom of psychosis. However, when one talks to people who hear voices, something quite different emerges: voices are often meaningful and important, as well as difficult and sometimes quite horrific. This lecture will draw on qualitative research, looking at the experiences of Christians living with severe mental health challenges, to explore issues around voice hearing, psychiatry, and cross-cultural understanding. If we listen more carefully to people, surprising things can be discovered.

Professor John Swinton

BD, PhD (Aberdeen), RMN (Registered Mental Nurse),
RNMD (Registered Nurse for People with Learning Disabilities)

John Swinton is a professor at the School of Divinity, History and Philosophy, King's College, University of Aberdeen. He also belongs to the Scottish Association of Healthcare Chaplains, and he sits on the National Board of Social Responsibility within the national Church of Scotland. He is a current editor of the Journal of Health and Social Care Chaplaincy, former editor of Practical Theology, and founding editor of the Scottish Journal of Healthcare Chaplains.

This event is free and open to all but registration is required.  Questions about the online event can be directed to J.J. Slager at slagerjj@miamioh.edu

If you are interested in supporting the Puff Memorial Lecture or the department of Comparative Religion at Miami, please visit: www.givetomiamioh.org/GiveToComparativeReligion

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