Miami Presents: Engaging Children at Home During Quarantine

Presented on: Thursday, May 14th at 12:00 PM EDT


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During this unprecedented time of quarantine during the COVID-19 pandemic, many parents are faced with the task of keeping their children engaged at home while partnering with teachers to ensure that learning continues. While a home environment may not be the same as a classroom (or childcare) setting, there are unique opportunities and activities that parents can undertake with their children. This webinar will present ideas and activities that parents can implement either indoors or outdoors with their children ages birth - 8th grade. The information is organized by subject or domain area so that parents can cover all developmental domains when planning for activities at home. Dr. Tracey Hoffman and Jennifer Mysona, Department of Education and Society, will present interactive and insightful ideas to help keep children actively learning during the COVID-19 quarantine. The webinar will include time for Q&A. Please address any questions ahead of time to Ryan Young at