This webinar is designed to help you learn and develop your knowledge on a wide variety of topics like budgeting, saving and so much more!
It features Pattie Lovett-Reid, Former Chief Financial Commentator at CTV News, Aravind Sithamparapillai, Associate Financial Planner at Ironwood Wealth Management & Alexander Cardno, Wealth Advisor at ScotiaMcLeod, who are here to help answer your questions when it comes to finances like RRSPs and TFSAs.
Should you get one? Maybe you need an RRSP. Or should you go with a TFSA? Isn’t one better for your taxes? It’s the tax-free one, right? But wait. What does tax-free even mean?
Here are some of the topics they will be covering, plus answering some of your pre-submitted questions:
In this webinar, you’ll learn what these plans are, how they’re different, and many other basic elements.
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