What does it mean to be an ally, and how can your allyship empower your friends, family, and colleagues to thrive? We are thrilled to have Anne-Marie Pham, Executive Director, Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion, lead an interactive session that will ground participants in a conversation around allyship. Join us to deepen your understanding, reflect on your style(s) and identify concrete steps you can take to support equitable, diverse and inclusive communities. Q & A to follow.
About the speaker:
Anne-Marie Pham is the Executive Director or Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion and has worked with diverse communities and workplaces for over 20 years. She has a deep understanding of issues and opportunities related to diversity and inclusion, and specializes in mobilizing, educating and sharing the latest research and promising practices on equity, diversity and inclusion in the workplace. Anne-Marie has a master’s degree in public administration (MPA), a BA in Sociology and a senior HR Professional certification with the Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM).
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