Physical Therapy Network: Time to Get Real about Healthy Bladder Habits

Presented on: Wednesday, October 13th at 5:00 PM EDT

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Dr. Kara Strauss PT, DPT, MBA, is a physical therapist who has specialized in the rehabilitation of the pelvic floor,  will teach the basics of bladder function, the common problems that a bladder might present, and some easy ways to re-train the body for a more functional bladder. 


Even if we don’t remember it, presumably all of us have gone through bladder training at some point in our lives.  In early childhood, bladder training may have involved a lot of bribery for a successful, “pee-pee in the potty.”  As adults, the incentives may be different, but the main objective, control, is the same.


As our lives become busier, we may develop some habits that essentially “untrain” the bladder.  Over time, we may notice ourselves feeling sudden urges to use the toilet coming more frequently than they used to.  We also might notice that we have certain bladder triggers, such as the sound of running water or putting our key into the front door.


This lecture is for EVERYONE who has a bladder!  The content is relevant and inclusive for all genders.  It is designed to be practical, interesting, and easy to incorporate into any lifestyle. No more worries about jumping, sneezing or making it to the bathroom in time.


Dr. Strauss is opening the doors to her new clinic "SuperHuman Therapy" in December of this year.  She will be located in Grant Park. If you have any questions, or want to make an appointment, she can be contacted at, or visit the clinic's website at which will go live soon! Also, follow Kara's very quirky Instagram account @karastrauss_dpt where she takes a more humorous, but always compassionate look at the world of Pelvic Floor physical therapy.



Sponsored by The Physical Therapy Alumni Network at GSU for National Physical Therapy Month