Living Lively: The Seven Points of Power to Nourish Our Potential

Presented on: Thursday, March 11th at 12:00 PM EST


  • Living Lively: 80 Plant-Based Recipes to Activate Your Power and Feed Your Potential
    By a superstar nineteen-year-old activist and motivational speaker, a unique cookbook and inspiring guide that combines 80 delicious, wholesome, super-powered plant-based recipes with a "7 points of power" manifesto to inspire the next generation of leaders toward self-reflection, critical thinking, and unlearning toxic ideas. (Amazon Link)

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Has your health been top of mind since the start of Covid-19? Are you in the high-risk category for contracting it? Now, more than ever, it’s so important that we fuel our bodies with food that serves us as well as heals us. Haile Thomas’s journey began when her dad developed Type 2 Diabetes. She started a journey that would change her family's dietary habits and radically transform her life. Haile was inspired to pursue this passion after her family successfully reversed her father’s Type-2 Diabetes with healthy eating and lifestyle choices. In this thought-provoking webinar, Haile Thomas, wellness + compassion activist, author, and international speaker, will share the tools that specifically target positive resistance, growth, and joy in what she calls the “7 Points of Power”. Beautiful and uplifting, Living Lively empowers us to take decisive, positive steps to nourish ourselves, each other, our communities, and the planet.

About the author: Haile Thomas is an international speaker, wellness & compassion activist, author of Living Lively, the youngest to graduate from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition as a Certified Health Coach (at 16), and the CEO of a non-profit HAPPY (Healthy, Active, Positive, Purposeful, Youth).

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