A Science of Female Friendship

Presented on: Thursday, October 12th at 12:00 PM CDT

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What do women's relationships with friends, sisters, family, colleagues and others have to do with our physical, psychological, professional, and personal wellbeing? Just about everything, and then some! In this session, Dr. Carol Bruess will share the intriguing social science on the power of female connections. You’ll learn about the sometimes-surprising role women’s relationships play in our lives and leave with concrete ideas about how and why you should create and sustain rituals of connection with the women in your lives, no matter your age or stage. Why? Because research shows (spoiler alert): It might just be the single best predictor of how long you’ll live.

Carol J. Bruess (rhymes with “peace”), PhD, is Professor Emeritus of Communication and formerly the director of Family Studies at the University of St. Thomas, MN. For three nearly three decades she has been a professor, researcher, author, and speaker passionate about how humans create healthy relationships through micro-moments of interaction and ritual. Carol is particularly interested in the the power of women in friendship, as well as the impact of the digital age on in-depth listening, robust conversations, and human empathy. The author of five books, she has a popular TEDx Talk “Are All Relationships Messy?” Check out her sewing and design shenanigans – as well as efforts to train their 98lb pup George the Bernedoodle as a therapy dog – at www.carolbruess.com.


Registration Link: https://connect.csbsju.edu/register/webinar


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