Presented on: Thursday, February 18th at 10:00 AM MST
We are taught not to discuss sex, religion, or politics, but what we should have been taught was how to discuss sex, religion, and politics, especially in the workplace. No one likes conflict. We naturally avoid "ruffling feathers" and having the necessary tough conversations. However, when you’re a leader at work, what do you do when your employees look to you to facilitate uncomfortable conversations? In this insightful webinar, participants will be equipped with tools to move from a space of comfort into curiosity proactively, and ultimately to embracing being uncomfortable.
Stacey Gordon, author, and CEO and Chief Diversity Strategist of Rework Work, is the creator of the number one resume course at LinkedIn Learning, which is well on its way to accumulating 1 million views. Her unconscious bias course has been translated into several languages and has been featured by LinkedIn, Microsoft, and Virgin America (now Alaska Airlines). As a consultant and career strategist, Stacey has written career and diversity-related articles and provided content for SHRM, Fast Company, Skillsoft, Forbes, NPR Radio, BBC Radio, Essence Magazine, and, to name a few.
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