Miami Presents: How to Beat the Bots - Navigating the Job Search in the New World of AI

Presented on: Wednesday, September 13th at 12:00 PM EDT


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Join us for a conversation with Katie Bowing ‘10, MS ‘18 from the Center for Career Exploration and Success to learn about ways to navigate a job search in a world where AI is rapidly changing the landscape.  Katie will share tips and best practices for maximizing your opportunities to gain meaningful and appropriately compensated work. Spoiler alert… personal networking and authenticity always wins!  

Katie Bowling received her BA in Psychology in 2010 and an MS in Kinesiology and Health in 2018 from Miami University.  She currently serves as the Associate Director of Career Development in the Center for Career Exploration and Success. Prior to this role, Katie was an Assistant Coach for the Miami University Varsity Synchronized Skating teams from 2010-2018. She is the 2023 recipient of the Darcy Shriver Academic Impact Award from the Miami University Athletic Department.  On the side, Katie also holds Mental Training sessions for athletes. 


This event is free to attend, but registration is required.  Questions?  Please reach out to Mollie Young at

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